Where Can I Find Visa Free Travel for Indian Travellers?

However, historically, some countries have offered visa-free or visa-on-arrival access for Indian passport holders. Please note that conditions and policies may vary, and it’s advisable to verify this information from official sources or embassies before planning your trip. Some countries that have historically allowed visa-free or visa-on-arrival access for Indian travelers include:

  1. Maldives: Indian citizens often enjoy visa-free access to the Maldives.
  2. Nepal and Bhutan: These neighboring countries generally have open borders or simplified visa procedures for Indian citizens.
  3. Seychelles: Seychelles has been known to offer visa-free access for Indian passport holders.
  4. Mauritius: While Mauritius typically requires a visa, it often provides visa-free access for a limited duration to Indian tourists.
  5. Thailand: While Thailand usually requires a visa, it often provides visa-on-arrival facilities for Indian tourists.
  6. Jamaica: Indian passport holders can often travel to Jamaica without a visa for tourism purposes.
  7. Fiji: Fiji has historically allowed visa-free access for Indian citizens for a short stay.

Remember to check the latest visa policies and entry requirements for your specific destination before making any travel arrangements. Check with the respective embassies or official government websites for the most up-to-date information on visa regulations.

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